EOTO Jim Crow Era

Jim Crow law | History, Facts, & Examples | Britannica

Henry Shehan  

Brown v Boarding Education 

After the Supreme Court ruling legalized the segregation of railroad cars. Plessy's case was used to justify segregation, and validate the Jim Crow practices. Everything in society is now a reasonable measure to exclude black citizens from all society, throughout the South and even some in the northern states as well. The "separate but equal" doctrine allowed the legal segregation of African Americans in all ways imaginable by their white lawmakers and it is now legally acceptable through the interpretation of the Constitution thanks to the Supreme Court's decision. Also Plessy was a middle class man and could afford to buy a first class ticket, so the Separate Car Act was for race, not class so blacks were considered equal but no preferential treatment was given. 


Saint Louis Massacre of 1917 was a dispute about jobs and white people began brutally beating and killing African Americans. The riot was three days with a death toll of 39 African Americans and 9 whites. The aftermath of one of the most devastating riots is that 10,000 homes were destroyed

Red Summer: When the riots ended on August 3, in Chicago 15 whites and 23 blacks had been killed and more than 500 people injured; an additional 1,000 black families had lost their homes when they were torched by rioters. This event happened because an African American teenager was drowned in Lake Michigan after violating the unofficial segregation rule on Chicago’s beaches and he was stoned by a group of white youths. 

Rise of the KKK:

Sundown Town:

Lynching: Lynching was the act of hanging somebody from a tree. It was a punishment for just around 4,000 African Americans. A black person could be lynched just for accidentally bumping into a white woman. These lynchings were treated as like a sporting event with many people attending.These people were proud of what they were doing. 

Blackface: Blackface was a form of theatrical makeup in which a white person would paint their face in order to play the role of someone who is African American. It was formerly known as Minstrel and at one time was the most popular form of entertainment.

Voter Suppression: During Jim Crow voter suppression was used to stop black people from voting. Another method was intimidation or forcibly stop voting where white people would camp outside voting stations and threaten black people as they were in line. Often times by shouting racial slurs, assaulting them, or holding mock lynching. 

It was just terrible what white people thought of to punish black people for just being themselves. Whoever makes up these punishments are. psychopaths. The things they do what they feel is right is just horrid. It was horrible how black people were treated, they weren't treated as humans, even after the Civil War. There had to be a hundred years of segregation and violence towards black people until the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
