Gone with the Wind Part 1

Gone with the Wind (1939) - IMDb
To be honest, I didn't really like the movie. It just felt slow throughout the entire film, and some of the characters I just feel like they were overdramatic. Like for instance, Barbara O'hare, the main character, she was just crying way too much about a. man who loved someone else, and it was just getting annoying. Also Prissy, who was a house slave who was portrayed as slow and misunderstood, but the actress I think took it too far. 
But what I would also say about the movie is that the focus what the movie is really about was especially confusing. It showed what it would be like to be in a town when the Yankees came marching in during the civil war, and we saw a little of that. That giant field with thousands of wounded men, screaming and groaning with pain, and during the slavery era, which I thought it would focus more on that part. But then they threw in the overdramatic broken love story. 
The thing I was surprised by because of all these stories of slavery and all of the other horrible things that were happening at the time, but the African Americans that were working in the field were happy. They were joyous. 
When HBO took Gone with the Wind off of their network, some of my classmates had some good points as of why. The reason was that they took it off because people were complaining that the portraying of the house servants were racist. One of the points that they made was that we don't really know what their prospective was on the African American slavery part of the movie, and that white people would never know, because all black people had some terrible experiences, being discriminated against, and it just saddens me how people treat others, even to this day. 
