Pro Slavery- Anti Slavery EOTO

Fugitive Slave Acts | Definition & History | Britannica
Students in my class presented a presentation on events that was either triggering pro-slavery or anti-slavery. Here is all the things I learned for each event.

Pro Slavery EOTO   
  1. The fugitive Slave Act  

Two laws to the recapture of fleeing slaves. It would target the underground railroad and the people helping. The act requires slaves be returned to owners, even if they're in a free state.

  1. The Missouri Compromise 

Establish a policy in which would expand slavery to the new western territory. It was passed in 1820 admitting Missouri a slave state, and Maine a free state.

  1.  Battle of Fort Sumter

The South Carolina militia fired an artillery setting fire to the armory which made the Union unable to effectively return fire. The next day, the Union surrendered and did a hundred round salute, starting off the CIvil War 

Anti Slavery EOTO

  1. Pennsylvania Society for the Abolition of Slavery 

It was the first Society to protest slavery and for the relief of free African American unlawfully held in bondage. Ben Franklin was president of the Pennsylvania Society in 1790.

  1. Nat Turner Rebellion

Enslaved man Nat Turner, him and six other men killed the Travis Family, and secured arms and horses. The rebellion was unorganized and he was caught and hung. 

  1. Emancipation and Proclamation

The Proclamation declared “all persons held as slaves shall be free. The proclamation paved a path to abolish slavery in the United States
