Supreme Court

Justices - Supreme Court
The three sources of rights that the American people have are the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; the twenty seven amendments, and the cases that are approved by the Supreme Court. The amendment was created after the civil war ended. Bringing about voting rights, ban slavery. The 14th amendment told the courts that they could not deny due process of law or protection of the law to any citizen. It was said that "the 14th amendment was like the second Bill of Rights."- A.E Dick Howard, professor of law, University of Virginia. 

The video that we watched in class today was about the process of the Supreme Court. Using Certiorari, the court has the power to pick and choose which cases they will use. Getting seven thousand cases a year,  they only approve one hundred of those cases. The Supreme Court is the most powerful judicial body in the world. 

Dred Scott, a slave in the Missouri tried to claim his freedom in an act of Congress, but the Supreme Court shot it down, that they had no power to ban slavery, and that decision weakened their authority for many years because Dred Scott was then freed by being sold to a man who owned Dred's father before him. 

In the district the attorney tries all the facts to prove the innocence, then if that fails the process is mandatory to move to the appeal where now he or she tries the law, and if that fails, the attorney has the option to move the case to the Supreme Court. 

"The power the court is the power of trust earned for the. trust of the American people."- Justice Souter
This quote in my opinion means that without the people's trust, the court has no power because trust is a valuable thing and without trust people won't listen to what the court has to say. 
In my opinion, the reason why the Supreme Court exists is to have control over the American people. To control the chaos if some actions go over the line, or to help someone who's been injured or wrongfully accused. The Supreme Court acts in the best way that they know how to protect the lives of Americans, even if that meant disagreeing with others for not everyone will agree. 
